Astigmatism Symptoms

Astigmatism Symptoms

Astigmatism is quite common.

Before we go into depth on all things astigmatism-related and the symptoms of astigmatism, let’s look into the definition so that we have a clear understanding.

In this blog post, we’ll look at what astigmatism is, the treatment and, of course, the astigmatism symptoms

You’ve probably heard that word before at your local eye clinic, but what does it really mean? To simply define Astigmatism: 

Astigmatism (uh-STIG-muh-tiz-um) is a common vision problem caused by an imperfection in the curve of your eye’s cornea or lens. 

It is an irregular curve. Instead of the lens being shaped like a circle, it’s shaped more like an American football. Astigmatism is a refractive error, meaning this imperfection affects how your eyes can focus on the light. When the eye becomes incapable of focusing light equally on the retina, your vision becomes blurred, fuzzy or distorted. 

Astigmatism eyes aren’t able to focus properly on a single point on the retina. Light, instead, falls on multiple focal points in front of your retina, behind your retina, or both.

The way light passes to your retina can also be affected by farsightedness (hyperopia) and nearsightedness (myopia). Farsightedness is when objects that are closer appear blurry, while nearsightedness is when objects in the distance appear blurry. When someone has astigmatism they are often also affected by nearsightedness or farsightedness. 

Rest assured that astigmatism is not an eye disease. It is a problem with how the eye focuses the light. It can be present by the time someone is born or can develop gradually with time and age. Astigmatism can be easily diagnosed with a simple eye exam with us at Look Optometry in Surrey

We’re your Surrey Optometrist guiding your way to better eye care. 

Symptoms of Astigmatism


Let’s look at Astigmatism symptoms. You or someone you know might be having these symptoms, and it’s important to check them out with an optometrist to better help your vision and overall health. At Look Optometry in Surrey, we offer full comprehensive eye exams, with same day glasses, if needed. We also offer personalized exams to meet your needs. There are different types of eye exams from a refraction test to a visual field test.  

A refraction test is specifically for refractive errors. We discussed refractive errors previously. They are farsightedness (hyperopia), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. 

Astigmatism for each person varies. Not everyone experiences the same astigmatism symptoms, and some people don’t have symptoms at all! So, you’ll never really know, that’s why it’s important to book eye exams. 

Here are the Astigmatism symptoms: 

  • Blurry, distorted vision or fuzzy vision close up or far away
  • Eye strain and eye discomfort 
  • Eye irritation
  • Squinting to see clearly
  • Trouble seeing at night
  • Headaches

Having any of these symptoms may not exactly point to astigmatism, but visiting your local optometrist in Surrey to determine the causes of your symptoms is recommended. It’s good to note that some of these symptoms may be due to other health or vision problems, so it’s best to get a complete eye exam at our Surrey optometry clinic

To shed more light on the two main types of astigmatism: there are corneal and lenticular. 

The cornea is the front surface of the eye, while the lens is inside. Corneal astigmatism occurs when the cornea has a distorted shape. Astigmatism caused by the curvature of your lens is called lenticular astigmatism. In either case, you have blurred or distorted vision for both far and near objects. 

Do any of those astigmatism symptoms sound familiar to you? Let us know. Moving on to astigmatism treatments. 


Astigmatism Treatment


Astigmatism treatments will improve your vision clarity, focus and reduce any eye irritations. If treated and checked out by an optometrist, they’ll guide you in the best way to improve your astigmatism. Here at Look Optometry, we will guide you in the best way possible to correct your astigmatism or any vision problems you may have. As the best Surrey Optometrist, we offer personalized eye care for the entire family. 

Mild to minor cases of astigmatism might not even need any treatment, depending on if you don’t have any other vision problems or refractive errors. Your doctor might treat astigmatism using these methods listed below: 

  • Corrective Lenses 

Corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed by an eye care professional are the most common and least invasive way to treat astigmatism.

  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

  • Also known as corneal molding, or corneal reshaping. This is a procedure involving the use of rigid contact lenses to temporarily correct the irregular curvature of your cornea. They shape the cornea overnight, so they must be worn at night and not during the day. The result of this routine improves your eyesight for the next day. 

    It has to be on an ongoing basis to see results. Stopping this routine will result in reverting to its original state. So you would have to wear your Ortho-K lenses every night to have a clear and better vision for the day. This is one way to treat astigmatism.

    • Surgery

    In some severe cases, your doctor might recommend surgery. This involves using lasers to reshape your cornea to correct your astigmatism.  

    You can learn more about Astigmatism treatment in our other blog post “What is Astigmatism?

    Surrey Optometrist

    A person with astigmatism or someone experiencing any of those astigmatism symptoms should seek treatment as soon as possible. 

    Astigmatism fluctuates over time, so regular eye doctor visits are required as prescriptions may need to be adjusted over time. Corrective lenses or surgery can help the astigmatism symptoms you have and your overall health vision. 

    We have now covered the definition of astigmatism, the symptoms and the available treatments. If you have any questions, our optometry clinic in Surrey is always here to help. Your family's health will always come first to us. 

    The next step is to book an eye exam. Feel free to contact us, and we will surely take care of you. 

    Your eyes ​​are important! They deserve to be taken care of. Reach out to us for any questions or concerns. And, if you have any astigmatism symptoms listed above, reach out to us soon. The earlier, the better. 

    We also offer booking through our digital booking platform. Book your appointment now. 

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